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Eng 102 - The Argumentative Essay: CQ Researcher

Argumentative Paper

CQ Researcher

CQ Researcher 

The CQ Researcher and Issues and Controversies databases serve as an introduction to an issue.  Essentially these two databases are the Walmart of databases for they provide the skeleton essence for the issues they cover in 15 page articles.   CQ Researcher and Issues and Controversies host only a select few articles related to your issue and the few articles are generally spread out by a number of years for you to witness the evolution in tackling the issue. Both these databases cover the Who, What, Where, When, How, Past, Present, Future, Pro/Con, Statistics and Quotes from Authorities in the Field and Political Figures. Both provide MLA citations for you to copy/paste.

For both CQ Researcher and Issues and Controversies the following issues will be addressed by lengthy articles that will support your argument, add further dimension to your argument, or convince you that your emotional intelligence was mistaken.

Both these databases serve as the launching pad for ideas and key concepts for searching the EBSCO suite of databases and the JSTOR peer reviewed journal article database.

When searching CQ Researcher for articles debating the Health Care System the following articles are identified: debates on the issue, the industry and models to lower costs, assessment of the Affordable Care Act, and shorter articles to embrace your research paper. 

Articles on Term Limits, Drone Warfare, College, Mars Exploration, Internet (Dark Web, Privacy, Cyber Warfare, Bullying, Trust in Media and Media Bias, Social Isolation, and the Politics of the Internet) are all available to support your research and provide arguments you may not have thought about that will enrich your paper.

We will use the issue, Electoral College, to demonstrate the essence of CQ Researcher.

Background, Current Situation, and Outlook provide you with the past, present and future insights on the issue. 

The Pro/Con arguments are five brief paragraphs from both sides of the issue written by authorities in the field. These paragraphs are brief so that you will find additional resources in either EBSCO/JSTOR to reinforce your application of these arguments.


Should the president be elected by national popular vote?


John R. Koza
Co-founder and Chairman, National Popular Vote Inc.. Written for CQ Researcher, August 2019

The shortcomings of the current system of electing the president stem from state “winner-take-all” laws that award all of a state's electoral votes to the candidate receiving the most popular votes in each state.

Because of these laws, five of our 45 presidents have come into office without winning the nationwide popular vote. Near-misses are common. President George W. Bush would have been defeated for re-election in 2004 by a shift of 59,393 popular votes in Ohio — despite his nationwide lead of 3 million votes. The national popular vote winner would have been defeated by a shift of 9,246 votes in 1976, 77,726 votes in 1968, 9,212 votes in 1960, and 1,711 votes in 1916.

Moreover, presidential candidates almost never campaign in states where they are safely ahead or hopelessly behind. In 2012, all of the general-election campaign events (and virtually all campaign expenditures) were concentrated in the 12 closely divided “battleground” states where Republican nominee Mitt Romney's support was between 45 percent and 51 percent. More than two-thirds of the events (176 of 253) were held in four states (Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Iowa). Thirty-eight states were totally ignored, including 12 of the 13 smallest states and almost all rural, agricultural, Southern, Western and Northeastern states.

Similarly, in 2016 virtually all campaign events (94 percent) took place in the 12 states where GOP nominee Donald Trump's support was between 43 percent and 51 percent. More than two-thirds of the events (273 of 399) were in just six states (Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia).




Jarrett Stepman
Contributor, The Daily Signal, Heritage Foundation. Written for CQ Researcher, August 2019

Forget the absurd arguments about how the Electoral College is only about protecting slavery or how the people who created it would have come to really hate it.

The crux of the current debate comes down to what is better for the United States in 2019.

Those who argue for abolishing the Electoral College say the current system is undemocratic and that it violates the principle of “one man, one vote.”

But the Electoral College is neither obsolete nor unfair.

The framers of the Constitution designed the Electoral College to accommodate a large and growing republic; the Electoral College reflected the state-based nature of our entire political system. Federalism was seen as an important roadblock to unchecked concentration of power.

This is in part why the Electoral College is slightly skewed toward smaller states. The system gives smaller states more relative power because the number of electors in each state is based on the state's population plus the number of senators — two per state, regardless of the state's population.

Small states have an edge, but this can sometimes be overstated. California has 55 Electoral College votes, Wyoming three. A candidate who wins most of the big states likely will win the election.


 The Maps/Graphs link provides valuable data to support arguments.  The source of the data are reputable agencies utilized by researchers.

The line graph shows the percentage of U.S. adults who support amending the Constitution to elect the president by a nationwide popular vote.

The Cite Now button at the top of the page will provide you with the article MLA citation to copy/paste:

Price, Tom. "The Electoral College." CQ Researcher, 30 Aug. 2019, pp. 1-57,


CQ Researcher provides in-depth articles not only on the Health Care System, but also for: Term Limits, Drone Warfare, and Mars Exploration.

Researching the impact of the Internet upon society, related articles address: the Dark Web, Privacy, Cyber Warfare, Bullying, Media Bias, Social Media, Social Isolation, and Political Influence are identified. Many of these related articles can serve to reinforce your thesis.