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EPY 101 - Educational, Career, and Personal Development: The Argumentative Paper

The Argument Paper

The Argumentative Paper is perhaps the most frequent paper you will write as a TMCC student.  

Most of us come to an issue with pre-formed conclusions about the issue.  This is our emotional intelligence informing us what we should think about the issue.  Sometimes emotional intelligence works, but most frequently upon digging deeper into the issue we discover context that we overlooked, but was decisive in decision making. Researchers and authorities in the field conduct studies that embrace the multiple facets of an issue.  If we use the analogy of an iceberg, we only see the top and smallest surface area of the iceberg.  Below the surface lies the mass.  The same holds true for an issue and this is why objective, rather than emotional subjective understanding, is important for formulating a cogent argument.  To do this one must examine the data, authority, and whole national/international picture associated with the issue, rather than from the single lens of one individual in their unique setting. This requires sweeping aside assumptions and allowing a deep understanding for  how research corresponds to decision making.

Politics is a considerable factor and one may argue a handicap in coming to objective understanding of the pros and cons in an argument. As such, it is best to examine both sides fairly for one cannot be 100% right or 100% wrong.  It is through middle ground compromise that our nation was formed as a more perfect union. Use the Founding Fathers and the circumstances of difference they had to face as a factor in determining how you feel about an issue when attending to the argumentative paper.  This is how you come about with a truly reasoned opinion that builds critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills.

Listed below are some good databases to search for information to include in your argumentative paper: