The Databases
Two databases located on the EBSCO selection menu are specific to Nursing. Those databases are CINAHL and Health Science Nursing Academic Edition.
CINAHL Plus® with Full Text is a robust collection of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 770 journals indexed in CINAHL®. CINAHL Plus with Full Text is the core research tool for all areas of nursing and allied health literature
The Health Science Nursing Academic Edition.database provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines.
In addition, numerous related scholarly articles related to cultural competencies in nursing will be identified in the top two databases: Academic Search Premier and MasterFile Premier. Both these databases have been set as automatic search defaults.
The two Psychology/Behavioral Science databases will also assist in retrieving relevant articles for your proposed ethnic groups and will also contain articles related to the transcultural concepts in nursing care. These databases are PsycArticles and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.
The Religion and Philosophy database can provide articles on ethical issues.
To access the EBSCO databases from home go to the library homepage: ww.tmcc.edu/library. Click Databases and Journals. Scroll down the list and click EBSCO. Off-campus authentication will provide complete access.
Keywords are essential for retrieving relevant articles. The words AND, OR and NOT between words you type into the search box will assist in narrowing and expanding your search results.
AND - requires both terms to be in the retrieved articles. AND focuses the search. Example Chinese and Nursing and United States
OR - either term or both terms will be in the retrieved articles. OR broadens the search. Example: Mexican OR Hispanic. OR phrases must be encased in parentheses. Example: Nursing and ( Mexican OR Hispanic).
NOT - subtracts the term from the retrieved list. NOT phrases must be encased in parentheses. Example: (Hispanic NOT Mexican) AND nursing
Keywords to Consider
Keywords will focus your search and assist you in identifying articles relevant to the content of your narrative. Take time to organize the content of your paper across the ten page length before you begin your research. Look at the Table of Contents in the books held by the library to help you organize the progression of your paper narrative as related to your ethnic group.
Examples: health care practice, culture, childbearing, diabetes, cardiovascular, nursing, older adults or seniors or aged, mental health or anxiety or stress, family, religion, disease, diet, promotion, health disparities, assessment, prevention.
By modeling your paper along the lines of many of the available books and articles your paper will look more professional and will embrace the common threads associated with nursing competencies to address multicultural patients.
Example search results using the two nursing and the two default databases: For each of these searches I used NURSING AND MEXICAN as common denominator keywords. For your search you will substitute your ethnic group for Mexican.
nursing and mexican and disease = 143 articles
nursing and mexican and senior = 29
nursing and mexican and elderly = 34
nursing and mexican and family = 215
nursing and mexican and diabetes = 25
Examining Results
Not every article will work. The abstract, a brief article summary, will enlighten you about the relevancy of the article to your research. To view the abstract put your cursor over the piece of paper with the magnifying glass icon to the right of the citation adn scroll down if necessary. Spend a minute to save considerable time by reading the article abstract. Use the subject headings, thesaurus ( found to the left of th result list) and abstract to identify other key words.
Abstract Example from the article, Symptom Monitoring, Alleviation, and Self-Care Among Mexican Americans During Cancer Treatment found in the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing.
After reading the abstract you can determine whether the article matches the culture competencies rubric assigned by Professor House. Note that this is a peer reviewed nursing journal. Scholarly or peer reviewed is a limit you can use to focus your search. Just check the box found on the left side of the result list.
EBSCO articles provide APA citations. Please note, that sometimes you will need to edit the EBSCO citation due to unnecessary CAPITALIZATION that should have been caught by EBSCO staff. To locate the APA citation click on one of the retrieved articles from the search list. First read the abstract for relevancy. Then click Cite located in the right hand icon column. Copy and paste the citation to your works cited page. Make sure to run all citations through your citation generator to ensure the citation is in the correct format,or check with the OWL Website at https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html
Williams, P. D., Lantican, L. S., Bader, J. O., & Lerma, D. (2014). Symptom Monitoring, Alleviation, and Self-Care Among Mexican Americans During Cancer Treatment. Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing, 18(5), 547-554 8p. doi:10.1188/14.CJON.547-554
If you still need to locate supplemental articles to support your background information PubMed, OVID and JSTOR databases may assist (see below).
The library also has links to two citation builders. You may wish to check the EBSCO citation against either the KnightCite citation builder or the Automated Citation Creator.
If you need assistance with researching the databases please contact the library reference desk at Redfield, 850-4049 or the referene desk at the Dandini main campus,674- 7602.
PubMed is the premier health sciences database. At the library home page www.tmcc.edu/library click on Databases. Click on PubMed. It is not totally full text, but has a full text subset called PMC (PubMed Central). PMC is accessed by pulling down the menu in the upper left hand section of the search screen and clicking on PMC. Search PMC with the same Boolean search strategy used in EBSCO or OVID.
JSTOR is a database focusing on the arts, humanities and social sciences.