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ANTH 201 - Godfrey: Assignment Resources

The Chapter Update on Haiti

For this assignment, you will want to search two of our databases, EBSCO and JSTOR.

Search strategies - search broadly, for example - Haiti AND globalization.  This will get you as much good content as possible. Use some of the cultural aspects mentioned in the assignment instructions (I found great articles with Haiti and "gender roles" in JSTOR).

Watch the database tutorial video to see how to search the databases.

  • EBSCO - search the pre-selected collections (the top three) and also go down the page and select Political Science Complete. Once you have a result list, limit by date and select Peer-reviewed journals with the tools on the left side of the page.
  • JSTOR - this database has some outstanding results for the search Haiti AND globalization. Once you have a result list, limit by date (2012 - 2020 perhaps) and check the Journals checkbox to get rid of book chapters and other items.

The Haiti Question - Searching EBSCO and JSTOR


The Culture Term Paper

Exciting search strategies and tutorials coming soon!