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Hist 101_U.S. History to 1877: First and Second Primary Source Questions

First and Second Primary Source Questions

First and Second Questions from Primary Sources Fall 2019

Due      Sept. 30           On Canvas by 11:55 P.M.

            Oct. 2               On Canvas by 11:55 P.M. for a ONE FULL LETTER GRADE REDUCTION

            Oct. 4               On Canvas by 11:55 P.M. for a MAXIMUM score of 50%


In each chapter, there are Primary Sources.  These are labeled “Going to the Sources.  There are also Primary Sources that you will find on the internet.  At the end of the From the Sources questions in the textbook, there are questions.  For the questions from the internet, I will provide you questions.

For this assignment you will pick TWO documents.  You will answer ONE question from EACH of the documents you chose. 

Your answer will be in the 250 to 500 word range.  No less, no more.  12 point font.  Double-spaced. These can be answered completely from the documents. You will need no outside sources.

Put each question on a separate page and, at the beginning of each answer, specify the document and the question you are answering.

Document 1: From the textbook: Anne Hutchinson vs. John Winthrop (p 67) Answer any one of the questions at the end.

Document 2: On the internet - Jonathon Edwards: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

  1. What analogies does Edwards use and what do they tell us about his worldview?
  2. 2.What specific imagery and symbolism does Edwards use and what message does he send with this sermon?

Document 3: From the Appendix in the back of the textbook: The Declaration of Independence

  1. According to the document, why did the Continental Congress write the Declaration and according to the Congress, what is the purpose of government?
  2. The Declaration seems to suggest conservatism and caution and also radicalism.  Explain each.

Document 4: From the textbook: The Northwest Ordinance (p. 180) Answer any of the questions.

In the Appendix at the end of the textbook: The U. S. Constitution

  1. According to the Constitution who is the document written for and who created it? What are the stated goals of the Constitution?
  2. Compare the powers granted to Congress with the powers granted to the President.


Second Questions from Primary Sources Fall 2019


Due      Oct 28              On Canvas by 11:55 P.M.

            Oct 30              On Canvas by 11:55 P.M. for a ONE FULL LETTER GRADE REDUCTION

            Nov 1               On Canvas by 11:55 P.M. for a MAXIMUM score of 50%


In each chapter, there are Primary Sources.  These are labeled “Going to the Sources.  There are also Primary Sources that you will find on the internet.  At the end of the From the Sources questions in the textbook, there are questions.  For the questions from the internet, I will provide you questions.

For this assignment you will pick TWO documents.  You will answer ONE question from EACH of the documents you chose. 

Your answer will be in the 250 to 500 word range.  No less, no more.  12 point font.  Double-spaced. These can be answered completely from the documents. You will need no outside sources.

Put each question on a separate page and, at the beginning of each answer, specify the document and the question you are answering.

Document 1: From the textbook: Tocqueville on American Democracy (p. 277)  Answer any of the questions.

            Document 2: From the textbook: Declaration of Sentiments (p. 307) Answer any of the questions.

Document 3: From the textbook: Henry David Thoreau (p. 331) Answer any of the questions

Document 4: From the textbook: Frederick Douglas Calls for Black Troops (p. 448) Answer any of the Questions

            Document 5: From the internet: Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address.

  1. Who is the real audience of this speech and what message is Lincoln trying to send to them?

Grading Scale

The point total for an A is 47 points.  If you get an A, that does not mean that you did anything wrong.  I reserve the points between 47 and 50 for papers that blow me away.  Other than that, I cannot tell you the difference between 47 points and 49 points.  A few decades ago, the U.S. Supreme Court heard a lot of obscenity cases.  A reporter asked a Justice for his definition of obscenity.  The Justice replied, “I cannot define it.  I know it when I see it.”  That is what I feel about the difference between a 47 and a 48, 49 or 50.  I know it when I see it.  I know, that is as clear as mud.

You will lose points for not following the format, for not following directions, for not using college level grammar, spelling and writing.  You will lose points for not citing your sources.

A          48 pts.             B-         40 pts.             D+        34 pts.

A-         45 pts              C+        39 pts.             D          33 pts.

B+        44 pts.             C          37 pts.             D-        30 pts.

B          43 pts.             C-         35 pts.             F          25 pts