A magazine is a periodical publication containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features. It is not considered an academic or scholarly journal. For example, Maclean's is a magazine. Music Educators Journal is a peer-reviewed journal.
The EBSCO database MasterFILE Premier contains both magazine articles and peer-reviewed articles from scholarly journals. Do not place a check mark in the box for "Peer reviewed" articles and you will find a mixture of both types when you enter your search term.
The databases listed in this Research Guide are available only to Truckee Meadows Community College students, faculty and staff. You will need your TMCC credentials (Username and Password) to access them off-campus.
In order to find magazine articles, be sure not to check the "Peer-reviewed" articles box. If you have any questions, consult a reference librarian.
The search term in EBSCO's MasterFILE Premier database is "bullying."
In order to avoid academic journal articles, the search is limited to Magazines.