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Geology of Nevada: Maps

Nevada geology covers general earth science, as well as special issues such as mining and earthquakes.


Maps are usually published by government organizations such as the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS).  They are also published by private entities such as the Geological Society of America (GSA). Besides map series, maps are often published as accompanying matter in reports and graduate theses, either bound into the text or folded in a pocket.  Some are also made available separately.

Maps of interest in geological research include topographic maps, geologic maps, maps showing particular information such as mineral deposits, earthquakes, or flood hazard zones.

Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map Series

The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology publishes several map series.  Most are part of the numbered Maps series or Field Studies Maps series and most of these are geologic quadrangle maps. 

The Urban Maps Series centers on each Nevada city and includes other types of maps as well as geologic maps, for example, the Reno Folio also contains an Earthquake Hazards Map, Energy Resources Map, Hydrologic Map, Land Use Map, Slope Map, Tinted Relief Map, and Vegetation Map.

Geologic Map of Nevada

Urban Folio Maps

Urban Folio Maps are publications of the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology in cooperation with other agencies.  The TMCC Library does not own all folios and not all folios are complete.  They are stored in the map case.

Maps from Other Sources

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) of the U.S. Department of the Interior is the largest publisher of topographic and geologic maps about Nevada.  The library holds a number of maps in the Map Case that are not listed in the Library Catalog.