Would you like to help support the growing book collection in the TMCC Library Family History Room? The TMCC Foundation Office has an account set up to accept donated funds. If you are interested in donating to this fund, the form is available below:
Information on genealogy may be found under these Subject Headings:
Library Reference Collection (location: 2nd floor)
Reference books are condensed, authoritative books such as encyclopedias. Many reference books contain primary sources and original documents.
General Collection (location: 2nd floor)
Very large and very good collection, shelved mainly on the second floor of the Main Library. Ask the Reference Librarians for assistance. These books are allowed to leave the library.
Nevada Collection (location: 2nd floor)
A specialized collection on the history and people of Nevada.
Genealogy Collection (location: 2nd floor)
A specialized collection on how to research your family history.
Online Books in the Book and Video Catalog
These books are best searched through the direct link to the eBrary database.
Know little to nothing on how to start your family history research? This book will give you all the basics.
Information on the subject of genealogy is most likely to be found in these call number areas: