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Genealogy and Family History: Writing Family History

A guide to assist those interested in starting a family history project.

Examples and Other Citation Resources

The following APA/MLA sites are from the excellent OWL pages at Purdue.



American Anthropological Association (AAA) Style

  • AAA Citation Style  - AAA uses The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition, 2003) and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition, 2006). This guide is an outline of style rules basic to AAA style.

Scientific Style

Chicago Style

Additional APA/MLA Resources

Academic Writing Resources

Automated Citation Generators

  • Automated Citation Creator - This site provides a way to plug in information about sources to get a citation in APA or MLA format. Please Use Caution: the results may not match the official format required by your instructor. Check with him or her first before using this site.
  • KnightCite - Use the various forms in KnightCite to cite a book, journal/magazine or a TV/radio program.

Writing the Story of Your Ancestors - Putting Their Lives into Historical Context

The following books are available at the TMCC Library and can assist you in putting the story of your ancestors life into historical context.

If you were to read an article or a book about a particular family's history, what would it take to hold your interest? Would you like to know only the facts (birth, marriage and death), or would you like to know more about your ancestors' life? What was happening in your ancestors' life at the time they made certain decisions or moves? Why did they do the things they did? Seeking out and answering these types of questions will help you write a more engaging narrative, one that others will enjoy reading. The TMCC Library has a variety of books to help you accomplish this. 

Self Publishing: CIP - Copyright - ISBN - LCCN - PCN

Can I Donate and Share My Self Published Book in Digital Form?

Writing Style Guides

Video: How to Publish Your Family History

Writing the Story of Your Ancestors: Putting Their Lives into Historical Context

The following books are available through the Washoe Public Library

Weather History for the United States

What was the weather like where your ancestors lived in a particular place and time?

Changing Boundaries Over Time