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Genealogy and Family History: Signers

A guide to assist those interested in starting a family history project.

Signers of the Declaration of Independence

This page will help you trace your ancestry to the signers. It will also provide you with information on each of their lives. The books, eBooks and articles listed below are just a sampling of what our library has available to assist with your research.

Video: Descendants of the Signers

Names of the Signers

The 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence are (in alphabetical order):

John Adams (MA)

Samuel Adams (MA)

Josiah Bartlett (NH)

Carter Braxton (VA)

Charles Carroll of Carrollton (MD)

Samuel Chase (MD)

Abraham Clark (NJ)

George Clymer (PA)

William Ellery (RI)

William Floyd (NY)

Benjamin Franklin (PA)

Elbridge Gerry (MA)

Button Gwinnett (GA)

Lyman Hall (GA)

John Hancock (MA, President)

Benjamin Harrison (VA)

John Hart (NJ)

Joseph Hewes (NC)

Thomas Heyward, Jr. (SC)

William Hooper (NC)

Stephen Hopkins (RI)

Francis Hopkinson (NJ)

Samuel Huntington (CT)

Thomas Jefferson (VA)

Francis Lightfoot Lee (VA)

Richard Henry Lee (VA)

Francis Lewis (NY)

Philip Livingston (NY)

Thomas Lynch, Jr. (SC)

Thomas McKean (DE)

Arthur Middleton (SC)

Lewis Morris (NY)

Robert Morris (PA)

John Morton (PA)

Thomas Nelson, Jr. (VA)

William Paca (MD)

Robert Treat Paine (MA)

John Penn (NC)

George Read (DE)

Caesar Rodney (DE)

George Ross (PA)

Benjamin Rush (PA)

Edward Rutledge (SC)

Roger Sherman (CT)

James Smith (PA)

Richard Stockton (NJ)

Thomas Stone (MD)

George Taylor (PA)

Matthew Thornton (NH)

George Walton (GA)

William Whipple (NH)

William Williams (CT)

James Wilson (PA)

John Witherspoon (NJ)

Oliver Wolcott (CT)

George Wythe (VA)

Website Links of Interest

Ebscohost Articles

Internet: Where to Locate Free eBooks on the Signers

There are many websites where you can gain access to free online ebooks on the lives of the signers. Below are a few suggestions:

Log in and create a free account. Go to the books tab and type in signers of the declaration of independence.

Hathi Trust

Type in signers of the Declaration of Independence in the search box, make sure to use the full view filter.

Internet Archive

Log in and create a free account. Go to the search tab and type in signers of the declaration of independence.

New York Public Library Digital Research Books Beta




Who Were the Signers?

TMCC Library Books: Biographies of the Signers and Their Families

TMCC Library eBooks: Biographies of the Signers

TMCC Library ABC-CLIO American History Database

O'Brien, Steven G. "Benjamin Rush." American HistoryABC-CLIO, 2020,

O'Brien, Steven G. "Samuel Chase." American History, ABC-CLIO, 2020,

"Philip Livingston." American History, ABC-CLIO, 2020,

Sowards, Adam M. "George Clymer." American HistoryABC-CLIO, 2020,

Sowards, Adam M. "Thomas Stone." American History, ABC-CLIO, 2020,

Sowards, Adam M. "William Paca." American History, ABC-CLIO, 2020,

Watts, Tim. "George Walton." American History, ABC-CLIO, 2020,